Friday, August 14, 2020

Round The Fire Pit: Season 4 Episode 3 of Wynonna Earp

Welcome to our third (how is it third already??!) 'Round the Fire Pit: a Round Table Discussion of Wynonna Earp! 

We cannot thank our participants enough for their continued support:  

  • Earpnado (@earpnado)
  • Docstache (@HollidaysStache) -- unfortunately unable to participate this week due to being without power for FOUR DAYS!
  • Lynn (@lynn_rachels)
  • Office (@nedleysoffice)
  • Jody (@TheGoodJody) 
  • Kayla (@ViewserAlert)
  • Lindsey (@xfbard)

Last week was some serious themes and emotional moments, this week was a bit lighter, but also with some pretty emotional moments. And, honestly, that Lynn and I came up with the same answer for one of these questions, is why we're friends, I guess, LOL

So, without further ado...

1. A friend of yours who doesn’t watch Earp asks what this week’s episode is about. What do you tell them?

Lynn – The same thing I always tell them about every episode, “It is a zany, crazy, wonderfully off-the-wall show about found family, demon hunting, and good vs. evil! You never know what you are going to experience each week!” This week I would have to add that there was a chili cook-off for freedom, a troll, kombucha, a super soaker, a t-shirt gun, a lasso and a naked Nedley. No attempt at explaining the plot. Heck, I am still digesting all the twists and turns myself?!

Earpnado – Kombucha and the Vagina Curtains. (BAND NAME CALLED IT)

Lindsey – That it was a timely lesson about how home brewed mold juice really can save the world. Mmmm... microbes. 

Kayla – What a breeze. So, basically Wyatt Earp’s demon killing magical gun toting great-great-granddaughter, Wynonna Earp, is falsely accused of killing the former town Sheriff, just because he was last seen with her and she’s been away in the Garden of Eden for like, 18 months, 3 weeks and 4 days. But she totally didn’t do it because she left him in the good hands of someone who was a slutty nurse for Halloween once. All she’s gotta do is cook some bangin’ chili (FOR FREEDOM) to snag that get out of jail free card. With the help of Wynonna’s literal angel of a sister, her sister’s stair lovin’ fiancé, and immortal Doc Holliday baby daddy, she manages to escape the giant yeti monster that she was released to (which after a good kombucha soaking, turned out to be just the former sheriff). Totally easy to follow, right?

Office – Okay, so, hear me out:  the main character, Wynonna Earp, was arrested for the murder of the former sheriff. Then there was a chili cookoff for freedom, the former sheriff had actually been turned into a puff monster who had roamed the woods for 18 months maybe eating people, not sure, and they used a super soaker to make him human again and it was the best scene ever. There was also some kissing and some angst and Doc Holliday, yes that Doc Holliday, made a deal with a demon at a club called The Glory Hole. Trust me: watch the show.

Jody – This week’s episode is a feel-good, laugh-out-loud episode about a crazy group of misfits who will do anything it takes to support each other. This includes  a group of friends shooting/lasso’ing your woolly friend with holy water (or just plain water, not sure), because he has become a host body for demon puffer monster things that prey upon your townsfolk, while Wynonna is hog-tied watching in a state of fear but also pride . Also, it included some of the best 1-liners ever, and an even better logo for a chili cook off FOR FREEDOM. I could tell you more but I am really late in getting this done and Office will kill me if I don’t send this in soon!  [Office note: LOL, yes, I am a brutal enforcer of schedule!!  ;) ]


2. This episode had a lot of callbacks and cracks, both visual and verbal. Which was your favorite and why?

Lynn – The callback I liked the most was the glass holding cell. From the amazing interaction between Doc and the Widow Mercedes, the musical interaction between Robin and Bobo, and now Wynonna and Casey. It was a creative and entertaining way for all of us to get a little back story on what was going on in Purgatory. Exceptionally good banter and humor in that cell!

Earpnado – Waverly’s glasses. And THE BOX.  Only good things come from the box.  Every second of the chili cook off was fun, although the President Seitan joke hit a little too close to home (for Americans) SHELLEY.

Lindsey – How can I NOT say the Chili Cook Off (for Freedom)?!  Both Nedley and Wynonna have mentioned the 2005 event in past seasons.  That event must have been epic.  And with Nedley missing I feel like it was a fitting (and whackadoodle) tribute to the presumed dead former Sheriff.  From the moderately obscene t-shirt/banner designs to Chrissy’s attempted heart-felt tribute to her dad, to the general oddness and dubious purpose, it was, in my opinion the ultimate callback.  Does anyone else really want to know what happed on that day back in 2005?  I find that I really do.

What was my least favorite? Glad you asked.  Oh, you didn’t?  Well, here it is anyway....Sheriff Clayborne in the white Stetson.  Now, I’m not sure if that was an intentional call back or not, but it made my skin crawl to see him wearing something that up until now we have always associated with Nicole.  And then, when he basically implied that the homestead wasn’t safe if she wasn’t there…yeah, you take that white Stetson off right now Not-Sheriff.  I want to punch him in his dumb face.     

Kayla – I’d be remiss if I didn’t give an honorable mention to the 2005 Chili Cook Off callback. We’re slowly getting more and more on what happened that day, and I love it. But nothing will top the Memorial Chili Cook Off (FOR FREEDOM!) shirts. Thanks Melanie! My favorite visual callback of the episode was definitely the Glory Hole. Seeing the sexy pink energy in the form of a latrine was very much welcome, and I sort of LOVE that Doc has fanboys (and maybe a new boyfriend?) there. Also, DFK shout out because not many people could pull off emerging from a vagina curtain in a barely there leather dress and whip, and make it WERK.

Office – For my favorite callback, I’m going to have to go with Chrissy Nedley. I missed Chrissy! She was basically the one friend that Waverly had that wasn’t terrible. Of course, that meant seeing Chrissy be kind of terrible was a bit of a shock, but nevertheless, I still loved seeing an old and familiar face again.  For my favorite ‘crack’ – not sure if it’s a crack, per se, but the Wynonna Earp writers have the absolute most descriptive ways to describe things that smell terrible, and ‘like a teen boy’s feet coated in blue cheese’ is right up there in that category!!

Jody – I haven’t had time this week to rewatch, so I am guessing there are lots of things I missed in the first/second watch. The one that stands out in my mind right now is “Every curve, every sigh, every taste”.  


3. So Doc’s going into business with Amon and his Glory Hole…Club. What are your thoughts on that choice?

Lynn – I have been on #TeamDoc since day 1, so I am assuming that he is looking for a way into the new demon society. A way to get an inside tract to what is going on in town. I feel like it is a strategy to be able to move freely among the Amon crowd, which helps to protect those he loves. Plus, make a little cash at the same time. I like the idea and hope it works!

Earpnado – In past seasons Doc’s “alliances” always seemed to happen before he needed them but then paid off at just the right time.  I assume it’s for the best that he’s gotten in the back door with this one. 

Lindsey – What is Doc doing? Seriously?  He gets back from the Garden and the first thing he does is make a deal with a demon?  You would think his focus would be on helping Wynonna take Purgatory back. Look, I get it, Doc has a 130+ year history of making bad decisions and that isn’t going to change.  I do think that this “arrangement” is going to become a terrible conflict of interest at some point. Wynonna wants Purgatory to be a demon free zone.  Doc is helping to keep a demon in business.  Is it all a ruse to keep an eye on the demon population? Maybe. Is it a self-serving choice that will probably will come back to bite him in the butt.  I think yes.  It’s not as if the demons of the past three seasons have been all that willing to help Earp heir eliminate their compatriots.  I don’t think this situation will be any different.  I predict trouble for Doc in the near future.  With AND without Amon. 

On a completely unrelated note....anyone notice that Doc is always running everywhere.  He has Charlene, why do we always see him running in and out of scenes?! 

Kayla – I think in terms of character, it was an excellent choice. I think we sometime forget, with the Property Brothers references and whatnot, that Doc spent more of his life in the Old West than in the 21st Century. He’s still got it in him to lie, cheat, and steal to stay safe and provide for himself. We saw that when he blackmailed Lucado into buying Shorty’s on his behalf, and we’re seeing it again now. Although there was definitely more that strictly boss-employee energy flowing between the two, I think Doc is using his wiles to take advantage of the situation. He’s got a baby mama (and her little sister, and her little sister’s fiancé, and their adopted teenage daughter) to look after, after all.

Office – Doc, Doc, Doc. While I love him, I fear he doesn’t always make the right decisions. Yes, in the end he seems to do the right thing but... wow there is a lot of chaos and hurt in between.  And while Doc has always been a deal maker, this is an actual deal with a demon. And I go back to Season 1 when we got a flashback to a convo between Wyatt and Doc (after Doc made a deal with the Stone Witch), Wyatt said, “Demons walk among us, and they mean to end my line.” Wyatt didn’t like Doc making deals with the bad guys especially since the bad guys have it in for the Earps, and I have to agree Wyatt! Of course, I suppose it’s possible Doc knows what he’s doing, but right now I’m not a fan, I have to be honest.

Jody – Um, my thoughts are the name of this bar may be the best name ever. So brilliant. Anyhow, I love that Doc is still back to his Doc-scheming ways. He is always looking for opportunities to ensure his survival. Although I love him and his love for the Earps, Doc is....flawed.


4. Any wild ass guesses about what/who Cleo is?

Lynn – Okay when I first saw Cleo, I immediately thought, Damn, I’ll bet she is Judge Cryderman’s daughter. It was on Wynonna’s watch that he killed himself and maybe she has come home to seek revenge on the town and Wynonna. *Food for thought, but probably not much else! Haha!

Earpnado – She seems really sweet and totes normal, definitely Team Earp.  For sure seems like she knows of Wynonna and maybe has a teensy grudge, so I’m excited to see what that’s about.  Maybe we shouldn’t judge her too harshly yet - who amongst us hasn’t tried to feed an enemy to a very realistic looking man-monster from the woods?  Then again Wynonna’s used to enemies that know more than she does and hate her before they even meet her, so I guess in a way that curse was never broken.  Maybe Cleo is the new Bobo in less fancy coats and no panties.

Lindsey – This one is tough.  Obviously Cleo came into Purgatory with suspect intentions.  She re-incorporated the town and made Holt Clayborne the Sheriff.  Really, Holt?  Yeah, he was destined to be a butt-head.  The fact that she so readily jettisoned Nicole makes me immediately not like her.  And her treatment of Wynonna and all the Chili Cook Off (for Freedom) shenanigans did not endear her to me at all. It is apparent that she has some sort of history with the Earps.  She said it wasn’t personal, but “hereditary” and she called Wynonna “daughter of Earps,” which I think is a pretty big clue that she is fulfilling a vendetta for someone in her family.  And she seems at least Wynonna’s age so it has to be someone who had dealings with a prior Earp generation.  I do think she is some sort of yet to be revealed demon (or half demon) and I’m going to go out on a really thin limb here and wildly speculate that maybe she is related to Bobo. 

Kayla – OH love this question! I was thinking a lot about the fact that Cleo seems to know who the Earps are, but it seems more than that. She said it was “hereditary.” So either Cleo has a relative who was screwed over by an Earp and she’s seeking revenge, or (and more likely) is an immortal being who was screwed over by one of the other heirs. Either way, she is such an interesting contrast to the new Sherriff in town, who she seems to control. For Cleo to be able to appoint herself magistrate also makes me wonder if she’s a part of BBD, who seems to be the enforcing body in this whole “demon quarantine” situation. 

Office – I have to believe she’s a demon (or half demon since those are apparently a thing, just like half angels) that came into Purgatory when the curse was broken. She seems to know of (and have a grudge against) the Earps, but doesn’t know what they actually look like, which is odd. Here’s my wildest assiest guess which is sure to be wrong but I like it: she’s Judge Cryderman’s daughter and is pissed off at Wynonna for her father’s death… maybe this is going to be an entire season of people pissed off at Wynonna for their fathers’ deaths.

Jody – So many thoughts. Here’s a random one that I know is wrong – what if she is one of the women that was in Yiska’s cult. I think that is too easy and doesn’t have enough meat for it to have come from the WE writer’s room, but it popped into my head so I am writing it down. I did read a theory about her being a descendant of one of the men that Wyatt killed, which seemed to have a lot of possibilities.


5. Wynonna and Doc just gave each other a smile and a nod after bringing Nedley back, then Doc walked away. What did you make of that? 

Lynn – The case of missing Nedley has been solved, Wynonna has been freed, so I think Wynonna knows that Doc is off to figure out what the heck is going on. Since he is still a vampire, his ability to get intel is invaluable. She knows he will be around and there is a mutual trust there! The nods were a kind of permission to each of them to go do what they do best! 

Earpnado – I honestly didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out, but now I’m paranoid about it so thank you for that.  But honestly maybe it’s just a thing they do before things get all Dollywood.

Lindsey – Oh WynDoc, it’s never simple with you.  I think that Wynonna knows who Doc is.  He’s not the staying kind.  He always lingers at the edge of her life, only wandering in when the need arises (double entendre intended). He loves her, but he can’t always be with her or they would kill each other.  I also think she accepts that he usually has multiple irons in the fire.  I want to hold out hope that Doc has filled Wynonna in on some grand plan involving the duping of Amon, and that nod was a direct acknowledgement of that, but mostly I just think that Doc is Doc and he is going to continue doing his own thing until he is forced to choose between siding with Wynonna and his side-hustle(s). 

Kayla – I think with Doc and Wynonna it’s always understood that the love is there, but that they each have responsibilities and needs beyond each other. Doc promised her before she went into jail that he would get EVERYONE and get her out. And he did. He even brought Nedley back. To me, the fact that all it takes is a nod to say “you’re safe, and I will always make sure that you are safe, but now I have to go” is testament to how far they’ve come in their relationship and how they both understand how damn complicated it is to romance in Purgatory.

Office – So, yeah, at the time I just thought ‘wait, what?’.  But then, after much deliberation, I was actually still thinking ‘wait, what?’. They seem to both understand why they are parting. Maybe Doc understands that Wynonna needs to spend time with Waverly and Nicole. Maybe Wynonna understands that Doc is going to go make a deal with Amon (though when they would have discussed such a thing, I’m not sure). The thing about it was that while I was confused by it, *they* did not seem to be confused by it. They both seemed contented and both understood it. And I found that, at least, comforting. (Why I’m looking for things to be comforted by is, of course, a whole other discussion, lol)

Jody – Doc has other things on his mind, like how he can come up with more excuses to visit the Glory Hole.


6. So Nedley spent 18 months hunting and killing people and Nicole spent 18 months hunting and trying to kill Nedley (as it turns out). That’s got to leave a mark on them both. Any thoughts about either of them and the lasting effects of those 18 months?

Lynn – I have a gut feeling that Nedley will be fine with his transformation.  The effects on him will be minimal. Nedley will be more focused on helping Nicole and getting Purgatory back from the crazies!

Nicole, on the other hand, this will add to the list of why she feels she let her family down. Nicole had been trying to kill the troll and not let it get into the homestead, which was totally the right thing to do, but she may not see it that way. Hopefully, all the crew will work together to take Purgatory back and give Nicole the assurance that she is no longer alone. Her family is back, they are immensely proud of her, she did not let them down, she is a rock they need to keep everything together.

Earpnado – Nicole DEFINITELY gave Nedley the cold shoulder at Shorty’s after they rescued him.  That wasn’t super surprising because if Nicole feels like she let the Earps down, she must reallllly feel like she let Nedley down.  Maybe that’s too much for her to think about when she still hasn’t opened up to Waverly or Wynonna yet.  On top of all that she knows she has to keep going because the monsters are still out there, but I have a feeling she’s so focused on fighting the monsters in the woods so that she doesn’t have to deal with the one inside of her.  To be clear, that's my attempt at a sappy observation, not an indication that I think she’s possessed.  She already took her turn with that, and everybody knows this show never lets anyone be possessed twice hahahahaha ::cry laughing::

Lindsey – This one hurts, I’m not going to lie.  I’m going to restrict my thoughts to Nedley here because I plan to dig deeper into the Nicole issue in question eight.  So the crab-jab that Nedley took in episode one was more serious than any of us could have imagined. And it didn’t take long for him to turn into (devolve?) into a barnacle monster who was preying upon the townspeople.  If everything holds true, it seems like Nedley doesn’t really remember the events of the last 18 months, and that is probably a good thing.  For someone who dedicated his life to keeping people safe, I think it would be devastating for him to realize what he’d done.  So I sincerely hope that he never regains those memories.  I think that going forward it’s more important for Nedley to re-establish himself as a grounding force for Nicole.  He is one of the few people that can provide her with a perspective that comes from outside the Earp circle.   It is my hope that Nedley once again joins forces with Wynonna and Co and that they take Purgatory back and reinstall Nicole as the rightful Sheriff. 

Kayla – I think the heartbreak on Nicole’s face when Doc is the one to figure out its Nedley says it all. How could she not have known? The man who’s been like a father figure to her, and she doesn’t recognize him? How could she have accepted that he was just gone? It seems similar to the guilt Wynonna carried around when Willa came home. But beyond that, it’s clear that Nicole also feels she let Nedley down on a professional level. When he disappeared, she was the Sheriff and now it’s been taken over by outsiders. In addition to losing everyone she loves in that 18 months, she also managed to lose the job that she loves too. To have to own up to all of that at once seems to be too much for her. She barely look Nedley in the eye when she tells him to get Chrissy out. But I think we all knew Nedley would stick around for his bunch of adopted daughters (OMG is Rachel his adopted granddaughter? Will they get to bond over Pretty Little Liars?!). In terms of Nedley, I don’t think he remembers a thing about those 18 months, and I think that is better for him in the long run. Though I’m bet he’s pretty bummed he missed the Chili Cook Off (FOR FREEDOM!).

Office – Oh Nicole, how can we not feel for Nicole? Healing from a broken leg, all by herself, everyone she’d known before gone, demons taking over her town and forcing her out, having to sweep the perimeters of the Homestead every two hours just to stay alive. Obviously, it’s going to have some lasting effects.  But I don’t feel she’s ‘broken’ per se, but she is hurt and hurting. Her lack of desire to have Doc touch her was interesting; her lack of greeting Nedley with a hug even more interesting and more telling. I do hope we get a good Haughtley scene (is that the father-daught shipname for Haught-Nedley?) where they can talk all this out. In the meantime, I hope Waverly continues to be understanding and patient like she was in this ep – we always thought of Nicole as the patient one; now it’s Waverly’s turn.  Mostly I hope Nicole gets lots of hugs from whomever they want them from. Also, I hope Chrissy saved Nedley’s clothes.

Jody – I think Nedley has no recollection and won’t be too upset by it. Nicole, however....poor Nicole. It is clear she is not ok, and her not hugging Nedley was one of the saddest moments ever. To see Nedley hug his other daughters (bio-daughters and found daughters), then turn to Nicole for his third hug and realize the pain she is going through when she walked out of the bar without coming near him – that was heart-breaking.


7. The scene of taking Nedley-the-Puff Monster down was amazing….what were your general feelings during the scene?

Lynn – It was so perfect! As Wynonna put it as she lies there smiling and laughing, “Idiots”! Loving, caring, crazy family that will do whatever it takes to protect those they love! The slow motion, the music, all added the right whimsy to a ridiculously cute scene!

Earpnado – There isn’t an English word that I’m aware of that accurately describes my feelings during that scene.  I laughed so hard, but it was like a “how did this get past every level of scrutiny necessary to get on TV but also I can’t imagine my life without it” kind of laugh.  I literally teared up and couldn’t figure out why, but now I think it’s because it hit me again that we almost didn’t have this.  Imagine going through life without ever seeing that.  It was elegant but clumsy, hilarious but sentimental, idiotic but brilliant.  It ended with Doc straddling Nudely.  It was, in a word, perfect.

Lindsey – First of all, I L-O-V-E an 80s power ballad, and when you layer it over the top of a slow motion, slap-stick fight scene....sigh....that’s one of the sure fire ways to Lindsey’s heart.  As a result, this was absolutely my favorite part of the whole episode.  If anyone would have heard me laugh and seen the giant grin on my face when it was happening they would have thought that I’d gone truly mad.  And when Wynonna called them all “idiots” out of reflex I said “our idiots.”  Yeah, it may not have been the most conventional rescue and monster take down, but Wynonna loves those three and wouldn’t have had it any other way. And neither would we. It was kombucha soaked and reckless, just like we like it.

I feel like this whole scene was kind of a metaphor for Wynonna Earp in general.  To the outside, non-Earp world, people have been like WTF IS this nonsensical sci-fi show? And yet to those of us inside the Earp bubble it’s this glorious, super-fantastic ride. And everyone involved has been embraced by the fandom no matter what craziness they put on our screens.  And yeah, sometimes our characters are “idiots,” but they are OUR idiots and we love them for all their madness! 

Kayla – Melanie Scrofano as a director... it doesn’t get much better than THAT! The montage was beautiful, and the look on their faces when Nedley... revealed himself had me rolling with laughter. But the thing about this scene that really got me was the look on Wynonna’s face as she watched them. She’s so used to being the one to save the day and save her people. But her people are all together, right in front of her, fighting for her. The genuine beaming smile on her face as she says, “Idiots” is enough to bring me to tears (I know I know, it doesn’t take much). Also, shoutout to Greg for making “laying naked in the snow in front of all of your coworkers” look like a super chill thing to do.

Office – That was the kind of scene that makes this show such an amazing hot mess shit show that is completely irresistible. And Melanie Scrofano’s facial expressions and single line of “Idiots,” completely mirrored my own emotions.  First utter confusion, and what-da-fuk? which then and just transforms into such adoration that you can’t help smile and laugh at the absurdity.  *so many heart emojis for that scene* 

Jody – I could not stop laughing during this scene. This whole episode is what I love about Wynonna – heart, humor, total randomness, fun, sexy-times, and a little bit of fear.


8. What question did we not ask that we should have and what is the answer to it?

Lynn – Is Black Badge back? Did they recruit Jeremy to help keep the demons in the Triangle? I think the answer to both questions is “Yes!”

Earpnado – How the effff did Nicole and Rachel know that skunks could be milked?  I don’t have the answer, it’s just a question I will carry for the rest of my life.  Also don’t google how to milk a skunk unless you want your algorithms to get rullll weird.  Lastly, this isn’t a question, but God bless the thirsty prison seamstress who made Wynonna’s jumpsuit.

Lindsey – During this episode it is obvious that Nicole is still processing everything that happened while the Earps were gone.  What do you think is going on inside of her head and what will it take to help her work through those traumas?

Ok, so what do we actually know about Nicole’s 18 months? 

- She thought Nedley had been eating by the monster who was “attacking” the homestead
- She searched for the Earps (and Doc) and feels like she let them down by not finding them
- She was alone for a long time and is obviously still in survival mode 
- She fortified “Waverly’s home” and saved “everything she could”
- She was ousted as Sheriff
- She actively tried to kill what ended up being her father figure and mentor

That’s a lot for one person to deal with, and it shows. Nicole is obviously happy/relieved that everyone is home, but there is still a lot we don’t know about what she went through.  Did you ever think that you would see Nicole Haught freeze in the middle of a crisis?  I didn’t.  And even though there is no longer a concern with the puffball-monster she is still religiously checking the perimeter traps and jumping at every small noise. It’s been made clear that she feels like she let everyone down by not bringing them all home sooner. And we are still lingering under the nebulous cloud of “Nicole’s choices.”  What choices?  Show them to us. Would Nicole have done something during that time that is so wildly out of character that it completely compromises who she is?  I hope not. 

Look, everything that makes Nicole herself has been stripped away. She doesn’t even have her job to fall back on.  Does she even know who she is and where she fits in anymore? I don’t know.  How do you come back from that? Nicole is not ok.  Rachel sees it, Wynonna sees it, and Waverly sees it.  Now, what are they going to DO about it?  I’m going to admit that I’m not thrilled at all at the prospect of 9 more episodes of broken (dark?) Nicole.  I want her back in the action.  I want her confidence and her swag back.  Put her in a black Stetson if you want, but keep her true to who she is.  My hope is that we see a concerted effort to talk to Nicole, to try and see what she needs in order to work through this.  Is that conversation started by Waverly?  By Wynonna? By Nedley?  Any of those would work for me.  Just let us see it.  In the end, I hope that Nicole hasn’t been laid emotionally and mentally bare only for us not to see its cause and its purpose. 

Kayla – What are your thoughts on the last few minutes of the episode, and where is Wynonna?!  

Wow, so glad you asked. Let’s start with that Wayhaught scene! It’s clear to all of us that Nicole is going through a lot, and having to process her last 18 months with the sudden reappearance of everyone in her life is challenging for her. But I just want to yell about the subtle ways that Waverly shows that she understands and cares. Like at the Homestead when she tells her that she doesn’t need to keep apologizing. That the weight of an almond milk-less world is on all of them now. Or at the Chili Cook Off (FOR FREEDOM!) when she can see that Nicole is worried about Rachel, and tells her she should go, without hesitation. Or in bed when she asks if she CAN tell her about those 18 months. Or after Nicole is so distracted that she has to go and check the traps, she asks to go with her rather than getting upset with her. The quiet ways that she shows that she’s there just really got to me, and I hope we get to see more of those 2 talking things out. But moving to the end of the episode, first, HOW CUTE ARE WYNONNA AND RACHEL! I can’t wait to see how their relationship changes throughout this season, and I can’t help but to someday picture Valdez being a super cool aunt to Alice. But the selfless way that Wynonna gives up the barn to her as she insults Wynonna’s leather pants was beautiful. But what’s waiting for Wynonna in the barn is maybe less beautiful, more Men in Black. Did Jeremy immediately send for Wynonna once he heard from Chrissy that she was back? What happened between Jeremy and Nicole for all those months? WHERE TF IS ROBIN! Okay, that’s enough screaming for this week, but looks like we’ve got a hell of a spooky episode in store for us next week!

Office – What’s up with Rachel using the exact same words as Mercedes to describe how foul smelling the troll monster was?  Answer: no answers, only more questions. Does Rachel have remote hearing and tuned in to the Mercedes/Doc convo from afar?  Can she read minds and so pulled those words out of Doc’s head?  Is it less supernatural and more she and Mercedes have just been hanging out some? I don’t know, but I don’t think Doc pointing out to us that both Mercedes and Rachel used the exact same very specific description was just a throwaway line.  Question #2: Did Nicole save the couch from Nedley’s office before the new Sheriff moved in?  Answer: I hope so, I don’t want any half demons using it for a 'lie down' or anything of the sort!

Jody – What is the role of the new sheriff and how are he and Cleo connected?  We will likely see Casey again – is he a friend or foe? He was so fun to watch 

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