Friday, September 6, 2013

September 6, 2013: FDNY responds to a fire in Midtown NYC

Date: September 6, 2013
Event: FDNY responds to a fire in midtown NYC
Location: New York City, midtown
Cost: FREE (unless you count my tax dollars at work)

Maybe in some past life I was either a firefighter or I was saved by a firefighter. I don’t know. All I know is that I ship fire trucks and me. Yes, yes I do. And also, I know I <3 the FDNY.

And today provided an opportunity to see a whole lot of the FDNY and many of their super cool trucks. I sincerely hope that no one was hurt – I mean there was a *significant* response and there were people out on the sidewalk that had been evacuated from at least one building and the FDNY twitter feed indicated that it was a sub-basement fire:


(four hours later they tweeted it was under control, so that’s good).

So, I will show my appreciation of their work by posting pictures of all their coolness and awesomeness. :)

I do follow the FDNY twitter site, but that’s not how I knew about this. No, this I just came across when I was walking to the office from an uptown appointment. From several blocks away I saw all the flashing lights so knew something was going down near Grand Central, but I didn’t imagine it was quite as big as it was. When I said above that there was a significant response, I meant it. I don’t know how many trucks/engines/ladder companies were there (maybe 7-10?). But in addition to that there was a mobile communications unit and a hazmat unit. But what really kind of gave me pause was the ConEd emergency inspectors, the line up of FNDY as well as private ambulances and a mobile respiratory treatment unit. … I didn’t even know they *had* a mobile respiratory treatment unit. And, as I said, it gives one pause when one sees that it has been deployed! As I said, I really hope no one was actually in need of it.

Anyway, here’s all that I’m talking about…

Just one of the trucks on scene (yes, with a hose connected to a fire hydrant)

I mean, water flowing and everything. Like, the real deal.

Mobile Field Communications Unit…

ConEdison (which made me think gas leak?)


Two FDNY ambulances, a NY Presbyterian Hospital ambulance, and a St Lukes & Roosevelt Hospital ambulance all lined up and at the ready. Seriously, it gives one pause.

And here’s the before-unknown Mobile Respiratory Treatment Unit. I don’t know if that’s to treat firefighters or civilians or both. Pretty cool, either way.

But despite all this activity, despite all evidence that something is going down… New Yorkers, like typical blasé New Yorkers, continued about their day. Yeah, gotta love New Yorkers!

Just crossing the street past a bunch of ambulances, no biggie…

Oh, my heels, my heels! (never mind that they’re readying to put out a fire right here…) LOL

Of course, I’m one to talk. Because, there I was, wandering around with my camera more interested in the trucks than any possible danger. But, I mean come on! The trucks are soooo cool!

I mean Look at this cool looking (yet somehow mildly disturbing) truck hanging out near Grand Central! (lol)

I’m not sure if I’m comforted or not by the fact that they’re the GRAVE WARRIORS, what?!?

But this, by far, was my favorite truck to photograph. It’s Engine 54, the Pride of Midtown. Never missed a performance.



And this… this is the Chrysler Building reflecting in the front window of Engine 54. My heart swelled with love of all things New York with this picture.

Given the number of trucks, there actually *weren’t* a lot of firefighters around – I suspect they were in the buildings saving lives and property, you know typical brave badassery. :) But I did get some shots of them. And kudos to them. Kudos to them all. Don’t you just want to buy them a beer and shake their hand? I do!


(I admit it, I love this picture a little)

Four for you FDNY. Thank you for keeping us safe!

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