Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Round the Fire Pit: Season 4, Episode 6 of Wynonna Earp -- Part 2

Welcome to the actual final 'Round the Fire Pit': a Round Table Discussion of Wynonna Earp for season 4A.

This entry picks up with questions #7 of our discussion of Episode 6. We are serious and thoughtful, we are dipshitty and flippant, it's the #WynonnaEarp way! In any case, thank ALL of you that have read our discussions this half season and thank you especially to the Pit Crew that has been here from the start for their amazing thoughts. 

This entry around the fire pit we have:

Earpnado (@earpnado)
Docstache (@HollidasStache)
Lynn (@lynn_rachels)
Office (@nedleysoffice)
Kayla (@viewseralert)
Lindsey (@xfbard)
Laura (@usuttontorwort)

But, without further ado...

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Round the Fire Pit: Season 4, Episode 6 of Wynonna Earp

Welcome to the NOT-QUITE final 'Round the Fire Pit': a Round Table Discussion of Wynonna Earp for season 4B.

See, we had a LOT to say! Like, a LOT.

So this week's 'Round the Fire Pit is being broken into two parts. This first part is six questions, and the next part will also be six questions. So if we didn't touch on something in this half, check back in a few days with the second part goes up.

As always, we cannot thank our Pit Crew that has been here from the start for their amazing thoughts. Laura is also joining us again this week!

This week around the table we have:

Earpnado (@earpnado)
Docstache (@HollidasStache)
Lynn (@lynn_rachels)
Office (@nedleysoffice)
Jody (@TheGoodJody)
Lindsey (@xfbard)
Laura (@usuttontorwort) -- thanks for joining us this week, Laura!!!

IN ADDITION, we opened up one question (question #3 regarding the proposal scene) to all Earpers.  We've picked four answers to include that we really enjoyed!  Thanks to all those that sent in answers for that! We may do it again for part two.

But, without further ado...