Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Round The Firepit, Season 4 Episode 11 of Wynonna Earp

 Well, well, well, the penultimate episode of Season 4! As the season cascaded through intense episodes our feels (and confusion) started catching up with us. Thus we're a little late in posting (exactly a week late, in fact.)

NOTE:  these answers were all WRITTEN before 412 aired even through they are getting posted after it aired.

Thanks to those joining us around the firepit this week:

Earpnado (@earpnado)
Lynn (@lynn_rachels)
Office (@nedleysoffice)
Lindsey (@xfbard)
Laura (@usuttontorwort) 

So, without further ado...

1. Let's dive right in: during the episode, were you convinced at any point that Emily was about to kill or otherwise eliminate a beloved character and, if so, which one(s)?

Lynn – Never crossed my mind! I have total faith and trust in Emily! She would not do that! As Wynonna would say, “There is always another way!”

Lindsey – I'm going to be honest, I'm always worried that a beloved character is going to be killed off. Always! In the middle of this particular episode I think the character I was MOST worried about losing was Doc. And going into 411 I wasn't worried about him at all! I mean he basically died there on the Reaper killing floor. Thank the Garden that Dark!Waverly just happened to be strolling by. I guess BBD HQ is just around the river bend from Magpie Ranch.

Surprisingly, I had ZERO concerns about Mercedes surviving that gunshot to the abdomen. As soon as she was hit my mind said, “Mercedes was BORN to be a vampire!” And so all week leading up to the episode I just had Vampire Mercedes living rent free in the Wynonna Earp room in my brain. And I was ok with that.

Just like every week I was nervous that something bad would happen to Nicole, that's kind of my personal baseline worry. I mean, they toss that girl around like a basketball. Eventually she is bound to get seriously injured. Thankfully, she seems none the worse for wear from being blue lightning bolted across the forest floor.

I thought it was possible that Waverly might turn to stone for a while, but I never seriously believed that she would die and never come back. Wynonna and Nicole just wouldn't allow that to happen. 

Laura – Never. Well, maybe a little. It was a very emotional episode all around and we have lost other characters in the past, which is a natural thing that happens in real life. At the end of the day, I have always and will always trust Emily Andras.

Earpnado – She has literally killed everyone (sometimes more than once), myself included.  For a second I thought Mercedes might be a goner but then I remembered that redheads can’t actually die so all is well.

Office – YES! I was convinced briefly that Doc was going to be killed off. Then I thought (for a split second) that Waverly was going to descend those stairs and be trapped up there again. THEN I thought Waverly was turning Nicole to stone (like Waverly was supposed to be turned to stone). Even though intellectually I went into the episode convinced no one would die, in the moment, my blood ran cold a few times (before then being flooded with relief). Kudos, Emily and gang, for being able to take me to the edge then pull me back!


2. Doc loaded his gun so that it would misfire... but he's a vampire and not many things can kill him permanently. What kind of bullet do you think he loaded his gun with?

Lynn – I am not a gun expert, nor up to date on my vampire folklore, but maybe it was a wooden-tipped bullet that would not fire correctly in his six-shooter? Thus, causing the misfire, striking Doc in the heart and killed him?

Lindsey – At first I didn't think much about this.  I just kind of accepted that Doc got partially blown up and that he had internal injuries that were killing him. Never once did it cross my mind that he is a VAMPIRE and thus mostly immortal. Then I had a conversation with Nedley's Office and she set my mind to spinning. During season 3 Nicole had a whole magazine full of wooden bullets so I considered that maybe he loaded his revolver with those. Then I thought maybe they were regular bullets but that they were dipped in holy water. I guess they COULD have been special BBD bullets that were meant to kill immortal beings, but who knows. Then I tapped into my knowledge of how revolvers work and my thoughts just continued to dig a hole. When Doc loaded his gun incorrectly he knew that it wouldn't fire properly.  What SHOULD have happened, depending on just how small the bullets were, is the explosion of the primer would have escaped out of the gaps and that, combined with the improperly moving bullet, should have blown the cylinder out of the gun potentially causing serious shrapnel and/or projectile injuries.  From what I can tell, Doc's gun was still in one piece. So yeah, all those words, and I still don't know how or why that misfire would have been able to mortally wound Doc.

Laura – It looked like it was a silver-tipped bullet which I think means Doc had two things going through his head. He knew what the Clantons were planning and it was finally coming to fruition and that he wasn’t going to be that killer for them. Like Wynonna says in that duel moment with Doc, he’s worked so hard and come so far to be a changed man. He wasn’t going to let the Clantons change him back or hurt the love of his life. The second part was that while he would be able to save Wynonna in that moment he would also be able to end his vampiric life. He never wanted to sire someone, although it saved Mercedes, and he knew deep down that to come full circle in his life meant that he would need to finally face death. Doc, you’re not just a sidekick anymore…you never were.

Earpnado – At this point I feel like we are watching different shows, do you think I have ANY idea what the answer to this is?

Office – The bullets were full of tiny crosses carved from garlic cloves that had been soaked in holy water, surrounded by a wood sheath, coated with silver paint, and the gunpowder was mixed with garlic powder for good measure.


3. First, Dark Waverly smoking a cigarette. Your thoughts?  Second, Dark Waverly in general -- do you think she's truly dark?  She originally indicated to Jolene she'd 'destroy the world', but she didn't seem intent on that. What are your thoughts on who/what she really is?

Lynn – Dark Angel Waverly smoking was right in character because it was so different from what Waverly would do. It was an act of arrogance and a display of a condescending attitude that is so out of character for our Waverly. As for destroying the world, not on her agenda. Dark Angel Waverly was on a mission to get the book back in order to close the Garden. She wanted to be done with these humans on Earth. Dark Angel waverly would have continued her Guardian duties from the throne if Nicole had not pledged to be the Shield.

Lindsey – The cigarette kind of threw me. Waverly has shown no inclination toward smoking, and just what would make Dark Waverly want to smoke in that moment? Up until now Dark Waverly didn't exist, so it's not like she had a 2 pack a day habit back in the garden and she was desperate for a nicotine fix. I'll admit, the whole moment was pretty hot, and disconcerting with just the sheer amount of apathy she showed towards the plight of those trying to escape, but in the end it didn't really make a whole of sense to me. Same goes for Dark Waverly in general. She had all this potential, and foreshadowing, to just reign down hellfire and fury and it didn't come to fruition. Jolene was all "you shall destroy the world," and Dark Waverly agreed, but when it all went down Dark Waverly didn't seem all that interested in doing any harm at all. Basically she wandered around, looking for her "ill begotten" book and never actually hurt anyone. Kind of like some hot librarian scorned. And it seems that if Nicole hadn't stopped her she would have just moseyed up the stairs and back into the garden for all eternity. So after all that build up, I'm just kind of confused as to what her intent is/was. I guess she really is a Guardian of the Garden. Her sole purpose appears to be just sitting on the throne and looking bad ass. And yet she was easily swayed from her destined mission to be the failsafe and was all like "sure, these humans can take care of this, no prob."  And then poof, she was gone, leaving us to wonder if she will ever return.

Laura – First thoughts, dayum! But right after that was, really? Even as Dark Angel would Waverly ever just grab a dead person’s cigarettes and smoke (or a living person?!) But it fit the scene. I watched the Jolene scenes over and over including with captions and really it’s Jolene that says she’s going to destroy the world but Dark Angel Waverly never really says which world. Will she destroy this 5th realm she comes from? Will she really DESTROY our own world or just leave and let it succumb to it’s own end whatever it may be? Or in fact will she destroy the evil in the world which I would consider Jolene to be a part of hence why Dark Waverly killed her. Honestly, I think it’s a bit of both where Dark Waverly is looking to just do her duty and anyone that stands in her way will be dealt with appropriately. Also, there are still images of Waverly showing through considering Dark Angel Waverly only temporarily blinded Wynonna, didn’t outright attack Doc, and helped save Doc’s life in the end. So, while she was stone and hardened to her objective, Dark Angel Waverly couldn’t fight the light and love that is Waverly Earp (the Earpiest Earp!).

Earpnado – I smoked for the better part of 10 years (6 years without a cigarette now though) and can attest to the fact that it’s a terrible habit and very, very hard to quit. That being said, I could easily get addicted to Dark Waverly smoking a cigarette and I think that would be even harder to quit. I think Dark Waverly wasn’t really evil, she was maybe just willing to do something that Waverly wanted to do but would have trouble doing as herself.  Even if Waverly was willing to sacrifice herself she would still struggle because of the pain she knows it would cause the people who love her. Maybe by “destroy the world” she meant sacrifice Waverly because Waverly means the world to those around her and without her the world is meaningless and NOPE THAT’S ENOUGH OF THAT.

Office – I had no thoughts about Dark Waverly smoking a cigarette; she rendered me unable to think because unholy fuck. But then, combined with how completely unaffected she was by the chaos and terror around her, it fit right in with the ‘indifference’ that I saw in her last week: that the opposite of love and light (that is Waverly) is not hate and dark, it’s indifference. That being said, I still have some confusion about the Dark Angel Waverly character. She didn't seem so intent on destroying the world anymore. Maybe she said that to Jolene from a much more personal level -- Jolene has been Waverly's personal demon so 'destroying the world' might actually be destroying Waverly's world (the lives of the people in her life) since going to The Garden permanently certainly would do that. And, again, Waverly as the Dark Angel was aware that’s what would happen to her world and the people in it, but she just didn’t care. Which is sooooo heartbreaking. Ultimately, seeing more of this Dark Angel is something I desperately want, not just for aesthetic of it (lol) but because I just feel there is so much more of her to explore and to see when / how she comes out and how Nicole / Wynonna interact with her.


4. Nicole pistol whipped Graham and Jeremy served him up for Freddie... Graham was a human but maybe more evil than some of the imprisoned demons? What do you think of Jeremy's decision?

Lynn – I have no problem with Nicole pistol whipping Graham so her friends could escape. I have no problem with Jeremy serving him up to Freddy! It matters not to me that Graham was human. He was an unjust monster and needed to be dealt with! Karma is a bitch!

Lindsey – I think that Jeremy is fed up with BBD and their protocol of just watching, not helping, and then choosing the most extreme reactionary methods when the shit hits the fan. I also think that he knows that not all the non-humans in Purgatory are a threat and that they too deserve to live in peace. Purgatory is on its own now, and I feel like Jeremy is ready to work with Nicole to help keep the GRT safe.  And if it took eliminating Graham then that was a step that Jeremy (and Nicole) were both willing to take.

Laura – I think it shows Jeremy’s growth knowing that he’d have to suspend some of his “too good” in order to protect those he loves. While we didn’t always get a ton of Jeremy scenes this season, the ones we did showed his tremendous growth of character and I loved Varun’s take on it. Even among the family right? Jeremy took a protective approach and really pushed back on them when he knew it was right to do so.

Earpnado – It might be the most badass thing I’ve ever seen him do.  I know this because felt it in my groin.

Office – I was really surprised by Jeremy! That was hard core! But, I do think this season they've been exploring a lot about how some 'Demons' (Casey, Freddie) may actually be much better than some humans (the brain eating guy, Graham). And WHEN there is a Season 5, I'm sure they'll explore this more as humans and demons have to learn to live together in Purgatory.


5. So, Doc as the Clanton heir and being determined to seek 'justice' for the Clantons was... something. Do you think it makes sense he's the most hated by the Clantons and what did you like or hate most about his showdown with Wynonna?

Lynn – We all wondered what Mam had up her sleeve for Doc and this was it. If Mam would have lived, she would have done the same thing to him that Cleo did. I felt like Doc would figure it out and come to find out, he did! Yes, it makes perfect sense that Doc Holliday would be the most hated person by the Clantons because he was constantly cleaning up after Wyatt and his brothers. The showdown between Wynonna and Doc was a cat-and-mouse game that was both thrilling and heart-breaking to watch.

Lindsey – Yes, I think it makes perfect sense. When they have talked about the OK Corral in the past it was always made clear that Doc was the one who shot Ike Clanton. So even though Wyatt was there, and the modern day Clantons saw him as their enemy, it WOULD be Doc who would be their most hated enemy and thus the Clanton heir when it was transferred by Cleo.

Clanton Doc was a tough pill to swallow. He was just so un-Doc-like. Even when he is at odds with Wynonna or another member of Team Earp he is never purposefully cruel. And this version of Doc was, for lack of a better descriptor, and asshole. Feeling the venom in his voice and in his movements was like a physical blow. That was probably the part I disliked the most. What I liked is that it showed such immense contrast between Clanton Doc and our Doc. It showed just how hatred can twist and distort a person, or family, until there isn't anything left of who they started as. As I watched it all play out I hurt for OUR Doc, basically stuck inside a vessel of revenge and not being able to do anything to stop what was happening in the moment.

Laura – Yes, totally makes sense and shows that the Clantons knew who the real gunfighter was back in the ‘old west’ days. And the writers clued us in back in the 4a episodes when Doc was explaining to Wynonna exactly how things went down at the OK Corral and Doc’s handling of situations. I love our Wynonna Writers and Emily knows how to play the long game. She’s had this for Doc and knew how a man who had come to the lowest points of life would come back to be the Doc we all love. Beautiful and no one will ever be a better Doc Holliday than Tim Rozon. Ever.

Earpnado – Wynonna and Doc have such a deep history and connection and in the end it’s what saved them.  I was admittedly drunk by that scene and missed the part where Doc became the Clanton heir, but once my roommate explained that part to me I found it to be a really great scene.  Any scene with Tim and Mel is art, and this scene felt like a climax of all of the things that have happened since Wynonna shot Holt in the back.  As with any great climax, it was perfectly timed and well worth the wait. 

Office – It makes total sense. It was Doc that started it all. But it was whiplash seeing Doc like that. He was, in many ways, darker than Dark Angel Waverly. He was cruel, and heartless, and ruthless. Talking about "Earp whore land" and calling Wynonna a bitch and threatening Rachel. I both loved and hate it. Loved it because Tim SOLD IT. Hated it because Tim SOLD IT and just hearing those words come out of Doc's mouth hurt.


6. Taking you back to highschool, compare and contrast Cleo as the Clanton Heir and Wynonna as the Earp Hier. How are they similar and how are they different?  You will be graded on originality and completeness.

Lynn – I am cashing in my “One Free Assignment Pass” on this one! I cannot do another compare and contrast assignment! It is just not in me!  (Grade: A for creativity, C- for pulling the teacher card)

Lindsey – 6 – I loved this question when Jill and I were talking about it the other day, and now I am like UGH, this is SO HARD. Ok, here it goes...

Both Cleo and Wynonna are reluctant heirs with complicated family histories. Cleo suffered years of abuse at the hands of Mam Clanton, who assumed that it would be one of her sons that would take up the mantle. So she was ill prepared for the responsibility. Cleo has been unable to adapt and wield the power she holds the way Mam would have wanted her to. Instead, she is taking every opportunity to try and pawn it off on someone else. To rid herself of her burden. Cleo doesn't care enough and isn't strong enough to bear up to her legacy. She just wants out.

Wynonna was also a reluctant heir. When she first turned 27 she didn't even believe that the Earp Curse was a real thing, but over time she came to accept and embrace her role. Like Cleo, Wynonna also suffered a lifetime of abuse at the hands of her family. First Ward, and then a more passive form of abuse by the Gibson's who shipped her off to a mental hospital. Unlike Cleo though, Wynonna used that history to make herself stronger. She built a wall around her emotions that made her more prepared to take on the role of Earp heir. Wynonna ultimately embraced the title of heir, and found that she actually flourished in fulfilling her legacy. Wynonna is strong, and she has come to realize that while yes, her task is not always pleasant, she has to face up to it every day in order to keep herself and those she cares about safe. Wynonna shoulders the mantle of her legacy, she stays, and she fights.  (Grade: D- for being one of the two assholes that came up with this question / A- for mentioning the ‘passive form of abuse by the Gibsons’ as I’d never really thought of it that way).

Laura – Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one said there’d be grades! Look both Cleo and Wynonna were saddled with something neither wanted and, frankly, dealing with the sins of the ancestors is crap. But it happens doesn’t it, that’s what is even crappier. How they handled this were two very different ways. Wynonna turned a corner and found the love of her family to guide her in order to not only finish this heir business but leave it in the past where it belongs. It’s taken her some time to do so but what she does now is for herself and love, not out of some sense of responsibility for this heir crap. Cleo went bonkers and while off the hinges because of what she’s had to endure is somewhat understandable, she had a choice. Many choices in fact just like Wynonna. She chose what she felt would help her and keep her safe while also finally getting away from the Clanton heir crap but she also did it out of selfishness and in a very selfish way, dangerous manner. So, I get it, and I would love to see more of her because I don’t think not being the heir anymore means she’s less of a pain in the ass, but I’m glad she’s gone because she was too erratic to deal with. (Grade: A for using ‘crap’ four times / B+ for calling Cleo erratic (it would have been an A if it had been ‘erratic (For freedom!)’)

Earpnado – They are both hot badass bitches that were saddled with curses they didn’t ask for. I am deeply in love with both of them. They both say fuck a lot. You should know that I skipped most of high school. (Grade: A for content / B- for not meeting minimum number of lines – you should have increased your margin size to help you, sorry, that’s highschool)

Office – It's interesting the more I think about it and I think for the next year we might come up with more things. Cleo as forced into it unwillingly through the abuse of her mother; Wynonna didn't get the abuse that Willa did but was nevertheless forced into it. Cleo seemed to dislike the idea of it until she got it then she seemed all in (unlike her brothers who seemed to never like the idea of it and asked to be released when given the chance). And from the start Cleo seemed to very much enjoy toying with Demons (example: the chili cook off) and I don't think Wynonna really felt like it was a game...though, near the end when she went jollily into the forest one start to wonder. In conclusion, I like Wynonna better. (Grade: D- for being one of the two assholes that came up with this question / B because I can’t believe I mentioned Willa’s hard life).


7. Wynonna seemed to give up and almost accept that Dark Angel Waverly was going to take Waverly from her and asked only that she save Doc before she took her sister away. Tell us how much you cried during that scene and any other thoughts about that decision(?) of hers.

Lynn – This was another gut-wrenching scene that produced water works that are not usually present! Wynonna had a perfect right to ask for Dark Angel Waverly’s help to bring Doc back. Wynonna had just told Doc that her pain never ends, so she deserved this tradeoff, if her Waverly was going to be taken away. I was relieved when Doc awoke! Never a doubt that he would, but I think I was holding my breath anyway.

Lindsey – That scene wrecked me. Even when I think about it now I can feel the emotion welling up. Wynonna's "please don't go" will forever be etched in pain in my heart. I can't even imagine what it would feel like to know that the one person that you have been living for is suddenly no longer herself and that the being that she has become is just going to walk away and never look back. By this point in the episode Wynonna had been through the wringer. Dark Waverly had blinded her, she was forced into a duel with the man that she loves, and now she is facing the loss of her two greatest loves. What's left for her? She knows that Dark Waverly is going to fulfill her destiny so she grabs on to the one thing she has left. Doc. Wynonna's worst fear in this life is to be left all alone. And in that moment she was seconds away from being just that. Alone. No Waverly, no Doc. And we saw all that emotion pour out of her when she pleaded for Dark Waverly to save Doc and then to stay. And suddenly I'm crying again....yeah, so basically that is what I got out of that scene. Pain. So. Much. Pain.

Laura – Ask me how much I didn’t cry during this episode, it’ll be less amount of time. Wynonna couldn’t lose both of them but I think she also knew that she wasn’t the only one who could save Waverly from staying Dark Angel Waverly. If we learned nothing this season is that the bond between Nicole and Wynonna has grown as well and they both trust each other to protect Waverly in their own way. So while she was already hurting and hoping that Dark Angel Waverly would save Doc, she still had to try to get her Waverly back. In the end though, I think she knew in her heart that Nicole would be able to save Waverly and she trusted in the love Wynonna has for Nicole. I mean they are best friends (and soon to be sister-in-laws).

Earpnado – I’m not so sure that she accepted it as much as she knew she couldn’t be the one to stop everything anymore. That’s something I don’t think S1 Wynonna could’ve done – believed that somehow someone else on her team could possibly take a big final stand. I think that showed a lot of trust in the relationships she has with those around her – she knows she doesn’t have to fight alone anymore. Dark Waverly was right, Wynonna has done enough. In this episode everyone got to be a hero – Rachel, Doc, Mercedes, Cleo, Jeremy, Wynonna, Waverly, Nicole, Nedley, Billy. They all had a moment where they made a decision that contributed to everyone being OK. Wynonna has spent years surrounding herself with her family and found family and those choices all lead to the ones that were made in this episode. One of the greatest lessons all of us can take from this show is that while sometimes you need to be the hero, a true hero also knows when not to be.

Office – I cried A LOT. I also sat there with my mouth open. Just a moment before she refused to shoot Doc because "there's always another way" and then Waverly comes and Wynonna has no more fight left in her. Maybe she felt death is pretty permanent, even in Doc's case so saving his life was the first priority, then going and getting Waverly back some how was the second... but I still was pretty moved by that. Her holding on to the book and sobbing, "Please don't go..." I will never get over that.


8. Vampire Mercedes. Exapand and expound.

Lynn – Mercedes was born to be a Vampire! She will be the Queen of the Clan very soon and I am here for it!

Lindsey – Oh vampire Mercedes. Ok. When Mercedes was shot in 410 I immediately thought, oh, make her a vampire! That's how she will survive! So, I wasn't surprised when it ultimately went down that way. I mean, she's right Mercedes was BORN to be a vampire. All that sex appeal and sass, now focused in one immortal woman. Her life is going to be a bang fest. The world is NOT ready! Then once it came to fruition she certainly didn't disappoint. One of my favorite lines from the whole episode is when she says something to the effect of "no more dieting, I will eat who I want!" I wanted to cheer "yas, Queen!" And trust me, I can't pull that off. I am in no way cool enough. So yeah, I totally want to see how she handles that going forward. Can't you just see it, Mercedes, Vampire Queen of Purgatory! Nice!

Laura – I mean, what else can you say but Dani Fucking Kind. Could anyone have played being turned into a vamp any better?! It was a perfect change for Mercedes who is always helping her friends and yet is, well Mercedes. Plus that scene! Show me a more iconic Mercedes line than “suck me off already,” go ahead, I’ll wait. I can’t expand on it, it was too perfect as is. Except again to say. Dani. Fucking. Kind.

Earpnado – Yes.

Office – I like her quite a bit.


9. So... Nicole is the shield now, joining the guardian and the champion. What do you think this might mean for Nicole? Do you think that she made the promise thinking she could figure out a way out of it in the future or do you think she was all in?

Lynn – I know Nicole will take her added duty as the Angel’s Shield very seriously. She will continue to be the best Sheriff of Purgatory since Randy Nedley! Being the shield, will only cement her commitment to the people of Purgatory, herself and to her family. Nicole is ALL IN

Lindsey – I think Nicole as the Angel's Shield is genius. For four seasons all Nicole has ever wanted is to matter, and to be included, and to help with whatever strangeness was going on in Purgatory. And time and time again she has been pushed to the periphery. I think being left behind when Wynonna went into the Garden to save Waverly was a breaking point for her. Not only was she STILL being left behind, but then she had to endure a year and a half without everyone she loves. It was made clear in 410 that Nicole was done with that. Then you add the Waverly connection. As Waverly's partner there is a certain responsibility that Nicole holds to help keep her safe. And while Nicole was always ready and willing to do whatever it took to uphold that responsibility she oft came up against Wynonna who still saw herself as Waverly's only protector, sometimes against Nicole herself (ahem, 203 through 205, I'm looking at you!). Wynonna is slowly, and reluctantly accepting that Nicole is now holds an equal role in ever present task of keeping Waverly safe. Now, by Nicole becoming the Angel's Shield she has finally fully stepped into the role she has always wanted. And by binding herself to Waverly for all eternity she has become both her partner and her protector. 

Do I think that Nicole made her pledge with the thought that she could somehow get out of it later? No. I absolutely don't. I think that in that moment, with Dark Waverly standing on the stairs about to take her love into the Garden forever Nicole did what her heart told her to do. She found a way to keep Waverly with her AND she found a way to live up what she has always been. A protector. Of Waverly, of Purgatory, and now of the entire GRT. Really, I think that that one moment is what Nicole's entire personal arc was leading up to. Nicole IS fair, Nicole IS just, and Nicole IS the absolute right person for the job. It's just a perk that she now gets to keep Waverly with her. Waverly said that Nicole “sacrificed” herself to save her, I don't see it that way. I see it as Nicole finally stepping into the role she was always meant to play, the ULTIMATE Sheriff. It's really quite the hero arc and I love it, for Nicole and for me, who only wants good things for my Sheriff. And now, like Kate said WAY back in 401, there are 3 powerful, and equal women standing guard at the door of the GRT. Angel Waverly, Wynonna the Champion, and Nicole the Shield. SO good...

Laura – I think it means Nicole is finally exactly where she was always meant to me. Have a I mentioned the long game that Emily has played? I think she made the promise because she knew it was going to be that way for her as Waverly’s shield/protector whether or not it was the 5th realm pulling it from her. Like she said, “where you go, I go.” She had already made the promise to Waverly now she just made sure that all realms were aware and she got a wicked tattoo to go along with it. Win-win. Nicole has always been drawn to the GRT and frankly there was a reason so even as a child she was going to be there and come back as an adult. Not that it wasn’t her choice, because she always had a choice. And she chose to see why the GRT and Purgatory, and then she chose Waverly. If it’s meant to be, let it be (baby, just let it be).

Earpnado – I don’t think she has any plans to try to get out of anything.  She was right, everything she loves is already there. They’ve all spent so much time protecting Purgatory, they might as well hang out and enjoy it now. Did you know there’s grass in Canada? And honestly when your florist is a werewolf what else do you need to see?

Office – I think it was in Bridget's interview with Kat that Kat said in that moment Nicole would have made any deal at ALL to keep Waverly safe. So, in that moment, I think Nicole was all in. I don't think there is anything she wouldn't have given up for Waverly. And over time, I can imagine her getting wistful that she can't leave, mostly because she can't give Waverly what Waverly might want (going on adventures), and I don't think she'd be opposed to looking into what it might take to lift the boundary, but if 'lifting that boundary' can't be done safely for all in the GRT, I think she won't do it and won't ultimately regret her decision.


10. We totally didn't ask everything.  Like at all.  What didn't we ask and what is the answer?

Lynn – I guess my only question left is what about Eve? I keep thinking that maybe I missed something, but I don’t think so?! So, in answer to my question, I guess we will find out in Episode 12?!

Lindsey – Do you have any more tears left to cry?  Yes. And I think once I start I'm not going to be able to stop crying for a while. I'm not ready to let these characters go and I have a lot of emotions left to process. I think it's going to be a long weekend, but first, we have a wedding to attend.

Laura – Will we survive ep 412? Does Wynonna get a cool tattoo now too? Why did Nicole need to get thrown 100 feet after making such a promise? And more importantly, will Billy be allowed on Earp homestead now that he’s technically the Clanton heir? All these questions and more on the next episode…whoops, sorry lost my way there for a moment. The answer is I make guesses and I’ve been wrong more times than right. Although the crew that zooms the episodes with me on Fridays were all correct about vamping Mercedes. As soon as we saw the teaser for ep 411 we were like “well, we see her walking down the hallway so she must be okay” and then at the exact same time a few of us turned and said “but maybe she’s now vampire Mercedes!” Yes, after five years I have finally read Emily Andras’ mind! Not really but getting one right felt like I was the Earpin’ Kreskin.

Earpnado – The last few weeks I’ve made comments that I am a tad worried about literal child, Rachel – she is clearly truant, working at a bar, and has an on again off again thing with a Reaper.  And this week they said you know what she’s missing?  A gun!  All I’m saying is like maybe someone could look into cyber school or something.  Just a class or two to take between wielding firearms and being held hostage by Reapers.  Also I chose to write about this instead of any actual feelings about the upcoming finale because my shield is to deflect actual feelings with dumbassery. My shield might not be quite as hot as our resident ginger sheriff, but I still find it to be generally effective.  See you on the other side. 

Office – WHERE THE FUCK IS EVE!??!?!?! My answer: Season 5.

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