Thursday, July 30, 2020

Round the Fire Pit: Season 4 Ep 1 of Wynonna Earp

Welcome to the first ever 'Round the Fire Pit: a Round Table Discussion of Wynonna Earp! 

So, what is this? Well, basically, Lindsey (@xfbard) and I (@nedleysoffice) will come up with several questions each week after the episode airs (question can range from the serious to the ridiculous!).  We will then send those questions to 5 Earpers we recruit. When we get all the answer back (also frequently ranging from the serious to the ridiculous!) we will compile the answers and present them here. 

The seven participants (us included), on whom we bestow all our thanks for agreeing to participate in this little adventure, are (in alphabetical order by twitter name): 

Earpnado (@earpnado)
Docstache (@HollidaysStache)
Lynn (@lynn_rachels)
Office (@nedleysoffice)
Jody (@TheGoodJody)
Kayla (@ViewserAlert)
Lindsey (@xfbard)

We do hope you enjoy our takes as we all had a blast answering the questions! And please, feel free to drop comments to any/all of us. :) So, without further ado...

Round the Fire Pit for #WynonnaEarp Season 4, Episode 1


1. After such a long hiatus what where your initial feelings upon seeing the show back on our screens? 

Lynn – Wow, I had so many feelings going into Sunday night’s episode! So much so, that the entire day I felt overwhelmed by my emotions. I am extremely proud that we got this amazing show back on the air! Thankful for all the Earpers around the world who banded together to fight the good fight. The strength of so few to turn the tide in such a positive way! I had Faith from the very beginning that Wynonna Earp would come back to us! Most of all, profoundly grateful that the show is back on my screen!

Lindsey – Elation, glee, overwhelming happiness.  I feel like the first five minutes were a complete blur and then things started to slow down a bit. The last two years have been A LOT. The fight, the uncertainty, the sense of pride when we won.  And then COVID!  I mean, what MORE does our little show have to overcome to get on the air?!?  It all led up to a moment where Wynonna was finally back on our screens, gorgeous hair a-flowing, and I was just SO FREAKING HAPPY!  We did this, friends.  And now we get to sit back, sip some whiskey, and just bask in the glory that is Wynonna Freaking Earp!

Jody – Pure joy and triumph. Oh, and fear-fear for what Emily and the writers are going to put us through this season! That said, I am ready to feel all the feels (fear included).

Earpnado – You really gonna come in hot with FEELINGS?  Who do you think you are, Wynonna Earp S4E1? FINE. I watched the SYFY countdown clock in the bottom left corner of the screen leading up to the episode, and when it hit all zeros I immediately got full on, full body chills.  It was a literal physical reaction to the fact that all of the fighting and waiting lead to this very minute…or maybe I have COVID19.  But really, the thought of countless Earpers scattered in so many different places yet sitting in that moment together - at a time when there’s so much separation in the world - was a feeling I can’t even put into words.  We’ve been saying “we fought and we won” for over a year, but the victory parade started in that moment. Then I saw Melanie in leather pants again and felt warm.  Also drunk.

Office – It felt… it just felt so familiar. And when they said, “Previously on Wynonna Earp” it was almost as if no time had passed at all; like I had just watched the finale last week (okay, so I HAD just watched the finale last week, but that’s not the point). I also felt this amazing sense of peace, as strange as that sounds; a sense of accomplishment, a sense of pride, and a sense of just pure joy for all of us – those of us watching and those of us on the screen. And I just smiled and smiled and smiled some more when the closing credits rolled because I knew we get to do this again next week.

Docstache – Is the show even ON my screen if Doc is not on it? I think I should be given a medal for waiting til HALFWAY THROUGH THE SHOW before I saw my beloved Holliday again! It was freakin torture! All day I was giddy like a junior high girl waiting for a boy to call. In the hour leading up to the premiere, my heart was legit racing. I think my subconscious was half expecting Doc to reach through the screen and embrace me for dear life! But despite having to wait a million billion minutes for Doc in 401, his entrance was epically perfect. ...Though he could do with less clothing, and many more locks blowin in the breeze. But Winter blah blah Winter.

Kayla – A little something like “AHHHHHH ITS STARTING ITS STARTING, ITS F@$%ING BACK ON MY TV… uh oh that throne looks ominous.”


2. Waverly was faced with choosing from four books: Wynonna Earp, Doc Holliday, Waverly Gibson, and Nicole Haught. Which book do you think she chose and why? 

Lynn – This really is the million-dollar question, isn’t it! At first thought, I picked Nicole’s book. Then my mind shifted to Wynonna. But my final answer (and please do not bet anything on it, because I am rarely right when it comes to guessing on this show) is Waverly Gibson. I feel like she took her own book hoping to get answers to all the questions running through her head about who she really is. Waverly craves knowledge and she knows so little about her father and wants to know more.

Lindsey – My heart wants me to say Nicole’s book, but my head wins out here.  I think she chose her own.  Waverly wants to know where she came from, she wants to know what her purpose in the garden really is and how she is supposed to wield these new found Angel powers.  Maybe she thinks her book has the answers she is seeking.  A path to enlightenment if you will. I find it very interesting that hers actually says Waverly Gibson and not Waverly Earp or whatever Julian’s last name is (Charles? Why do I think it’s Charles?). That means something.  I think whatever is in those books is powerful.  I also think the garden is manipulating her, and making her choose is just part of that manipulation. She said it herself, she didn’t know why she said sitting on the throne was her “birthright” and/or her “destiny.”  Those are big words with big meanings.  None of which I think are going to turn out to be a good thing for our sweet Waverly.

Jody – So, my answer changes depending on when you ask me :) Initially, I thought it was Nicole since right after she chose, Nicole fell threw the grate and maybe died/was reborn? But then I thought of course it had to be Wynonna because this show is first a love story between sisters, and then I kept reading other theories on twitter and now I just don’t know. I choose Nicole. I mean Waverly. I mean Wynonna...who knows? As much as I love to theorize, I also love giving up and finding out as the story unfolds.

Earpnado – Every chance Waverly has had she’s chosen Wynonna.  Plus sisters LOVE to read each other’s shit without permission.  But I guess she’s also trying not to forget Haught, so she could’ve chosen that book to help her remember.  Then again she’s usually selfless and knows Doc came to save her, so maybe she chose his book.  Or she chose her own because she thinks it will help her get out. I guess although I could argue all of them, my gut says Wynonna. My groin says Haught. But that’s just a tattoo.

Office – I have talked myself in circles on this one, thinking that she had a legitimate reason to pick every single one. I am extremely intrigued, however, with the Waverly *Gibson* book. Waverly went by the name ‘Gibson’ only in a timeline where Wynonna had been erased/didn’t exist. And both Waverly & Doc seemed to be struggling to remember both Wynonna and Nicole. Are they being set up to be in a timeline where neither Wynonna or Nicole exists or is remembered? For that reason, I going to say that Waverly took Doc’s book – his might be the only person’s name that was familiar other than her own.  As a slight aside, how odd that Waverly was trying to remember Nicole as red hair, brown eyes, and a Stetson – something Nicole hasn’t worn since Season 1.

Docstache – I have thought about this for two days now and I HAVE NO IDEA. Like i watched the book grab several times trying to analyze by stretch of arm which she took. All I came up with is the only one I’m pretty sure she did NOT take is Doc’s. But also, we don’t know what’s in those books. What if it’s “Pick the one that dies?” or “Who is Docstache’s favorite?” If we know anything, we know this show likes to lead us on like the good, white trash ho, tease that it is.

Kayla – My initial instinct was Wynonna, because the bond of the Earp sisters has been such a major driving force in the show. But after thinking for more than 0.5 seconds – I think she chose Doc. Her face when she realized that Doc was still a vampire in the Garden is what solidified it for me. She knows herself, Wynonna, and Nicole, but she seeks to gain the most from Doc’s book (assuming these books are ‘books of wisdow’ of sorts BUT WHO KNOWS WHAT IN THERE MAYBE ITS DOC’S MUSTACHE MAINTENANCE ROUTINE).


3. Throughout the episode there were a lot of throwbacks/acknowledgements to episodes (and other events) gone by. Which one or two were your favorite and why? 

Lynn – Well for me there were three that stood out! 1. Tacos are Tasty! Because it is one of my favorite sayings! I'm just so glad to hear it again! 2. Nobody uses this Couch! Well, how can I not mention this one! The reference to the WayHaught couch is a nod to just how good and solid this relationship really is!  3. What the Romans call Wynonna Interruptus! What a very cool shout out to the fandom! We have been tweeting about Wynonna’s timing forever and having Nicole voice our sentiment was priceless!

Lindsey – I’m gonna cop out a little and just say ALL THE NEDLEY!!
  • “I feel like I’ve been waiting for two years!” 
  • "Nobody uses this couch.”
  • “No, I’m still not looking at your ass.”
I mean, COME ON!  I love some Randy Nedley, and if his whole purpose this season is to just quip inside jokes and wear a flowered shirt then I am ok with that! I love that we are getting these little throwbacks and acknowledgements to what we’ve been through and what the fans like. It makes it feel even more like Wynonna Earp is “ours.”  And I appreciate the heck out of the writers for making them happen.

Jody – I think my favorites from the episode were all delivered by Nedley (it feels like I’ve been waiting for 2 years, don’t f*ck with my family, and still not looking at your ass). Probably because Greg delivers them so well :)

Earpnado – Honestly it felt like a lot of these came from Nedley.  “Still not looking at your ass” got me pretty good and also makes me think Nedley might be a compulsive liar.  “I feel like I’ve been standing here for 2 years” was just the right level of wink wink to the Fight for Wynonna.  And NOBODY EVER USES THIS COUCH?!  I guess maybe he’s right that no one uses it for like, regular sitting.

Office – The callbacks were constant and amazing.  How could one not just cackle and LOVE Nedley’s dry delivery of, “I feel like I’ve been standing here for two years.”?  That line was perfection. And, OF COURSE, Nedley’s “Nobody f*cks with our family.” But, I’m going to go with when Wynonna & Nedley got to the base of the stairs and Wynonna said, “I can’t mess this up.” And Nedley responded not entirely convincingly, “You won’t.” I just feel that was Emily talking to herself there. She has spoken about the pressure to do right by Earpers that fought so hard; well, I’m here to say that just seeing them back on our screen is doing right by us, so I’ll say more confidently, “You won’t.”

Docstache – Mercedes in her cheerful spirit, raising her hand & saying “Represent,” when Wynonna mentioned faces being ripped off because I love creepy, yet cheerful anecdotes. Waverly thanking Doc for sucking.

Of course, Doc mentioning he is the weapon all growly again was FIRE. But also, what was that congealed, globular rootball he yanked out of that well?!

Kayla – The reference to Nedley’s couch really got me, but who could really say why… (*WAYHAUGHT*WAYHAUGHT*WAYHAUGHT*).

I also really loved the references to Dolls. He’s still such an integral part of the team, even though he’s gone. I am looking forward to learning more about his backstory, and how he seemed to “save” so many people who were involved with BBD (like Jeremy, Rachel, etc.)


4.  We thought Doc had to be mortal to enter the garden, but it seems he’s still a vampire. Does this surprise you?

Lynn – Yes, at first because we thought Waverly had changed him back. Plus, that is what Bulshar concluded about getting into the garden. What if, Doc, as a vampire, was able to get in because it matters not what he is, but who he is as a person. His intentions have always been honorable towards Wynonna and Waverly. He became a vampire because he wanted to be able to always be around to protect them. He was able to suck the venom out of Wynonna because of it and maybe going after Waverly for the right reasons (Pure of Heart, Love of Family) allowed him to pass through the gate. 

Lindsey – Yeah, it actually does a little bit.  Look, Doc has a LOT of bad behaviors to make up for, going back to before HE chose to become a vampire.  Going up the stairs after Waverly doesn’t erase all the hurt he’s caused.  Do I think that him being a vampire makes that harder going forward? Yes, absolutely. Having Waverly miraculously heal him with her tears (in the greenhouse) would have been an easy “fix.”  Now he has to start living with his decision and showing everyone who lost faith in him that he deserves redemption.  His gaining entry also shows that maybe the garden isn’t concerned with purity of spirit, but something else entirely.  Untapped power, who knows?  We shall see. 

Jody – No, because my latest theory is the garden isn’t the garden. It’s hell. Booyah! Ps, I have since reread this and have changed my mind...again. Pps, I’m back to my theory of it being hell. Ask me next week and I will tell you something different :)

Earpnado – Literally everything on this show surprises me.  First because the writers are fucking brilliant gorgeous assholes and second because I’m usually drunk the first time I watch.  But I think it feels right for Doc to be not human while he’s in the garden with Waverly.  They’re these two powerful, magical beings, and yet in the first episode they needed human blood from Weird Guy (RIP) to save them.  At some points I actually forgot that Doc was a vampire b/c SO MUCH HAPPENED in this episode.  At the end of the day I’m OK with Doc being immortal in whatever way he needs to be because it’s less likely that they’ll kill him off.  Again.

Office – Right?!?! Didn’t Wynonna say to him that he couldn’t pass through that wavy boundary onto the stairs because he’s not mortal?  Maybe she was just guessing?  There had also been speculation that the fact that Waverly’s tear had fallen on Doc had perhaps ‘cured’ him of his vampireness. So, yes, seeing him all vampy was surprising.  But… perhaps only Garden!Doc is still a vampire (or he’s been made to believe he is). Again, it’s as if they are regressing back through time somehow and, like Waverly talking about Season 1 Nicole, Doc was at that moment kind of Season 3 Doc.

Docstache – Not at all. I assumed he was still a vampire when he sucked the living Bulshar out of Wynonna.

Kayla – When I saw those golden grills back in Rozon’s mouth, I stood up and SCREAMED (recurring reaction to watching 4.01). How did he get in there without being mortal? Why does he seem so convinced that he is a “weapon” in there? Didn’t Waverly’s angel tears save him? How did he know about Wynonna being the only one to yield the flaming sword in 3.12? SO MUCH IS STILL LEFT OPEN!


5. For the past 3 seasons Wynonna has been viewed as the “special” Earp. Now that the curse is broken, she is questioning her role in Purgatory while Waverly is suddenly using words like “destiny” and “birthright” while speaking about her place in the garden. What do you think about this role reversal and how might it effect the rest of the season? 

Lynn – I do not think there will be a role reversal. Each one of this “family” of demon hunters, this band of crazy characters, has always had his/her own strengths to bring to the group. Strengths that have nothing to do with a magic gun, being an angel, or anything else. I see Wynonna and Waverly finding their true selves, finding their inner strength, finding that working together with their “found family” has and always will make them stronger!  This crew will continue to battle any demon that comes their way, with Wynonna leading the way! Heroes always win!

Lindsey – In my opinion this is a big deal in Earp land. At first Wynonna didn’t want the mantle of being “special,” but then, as she settled into the role she used it to define who she was. Now that is gone. Wynonna has said that without Peacemaker and the curse she is nothing.  She found purpose in bringing Waverly home, but what happens then?  What happens if Waverly doesn’t want to come home? Does she let her sister go, become the “guardian of the garden?”  I don’t think so.  Ultimately I think Waverly does eventually come home, but I think that whatever newfound angel power she retains or whatever negative influence the garden has on her (and the repercussions of the decisions she made while in there) has the potential to cause friction between them.  How does Wynonna reconcile being “just Wynonna” when her sister becomes whatever it is she is becoming? Something MORE.  Wynonna thrives on being THE ONE, can she handle just being a side-kick if that is what it comes down to?  I think it will be hard for her.  I also think that any rift between the two sisters lasts at least until mid-season.  It’s a super interesting power flip.  I think we will get a sample of how it’s going to look about 35 minutes into episode two. 

Jody – Oooohhh, great question! After the trailer, someone jokingly said maybe Waverly is the big baddie this season and I can’t stop getting that out of my head (although right now, I think the big baddie is Black Badge). Also, Emily said something like yes, they may all find/save each other again, but at what cost? So, getting back to your question, maybe a part of Waverly doesn’t want to be saved (remember, she initially thought she should be heir!), and maybe she will resent those who save her. Or maybe not. Either way, it’s going to be so much fun watching Waverly go dark.

Earpnado – I feel like Wynonna would tell you that she was never the “special” Earp.  Everyone else felt that she was, but her sights have always been set on Waverly (and Willa I guess, when she like…shot her).  I think Wynonna misses having the weapon that made her feel badass and now will have to discover if the badassery came from the gun or from herself.  She seemed to be more worried about who she is without her family though, and what purpose she serves if she isn’t protecting them.  I for one am looking forward to more magical Waverly and whatever she is going to bring to their dynamic.  As for Wynonna, I’m positive that she is still the tie that binds the team together.  Waverly is her sister, Haught is her BEST FRIEND, Doc is her child’s father, and Jeremy is her friend and remaining link to Dolls.  She’ll be fine, she’s got a mouthful of gasoline and a pen drawer full of knives.

Office – Yeah. This… well frankly kind of disorienting change really did start in the finale of S3 when Wynonna was talking about there always being two options: the primary and the alternate. Waverly said, “Am I your backup?” and Wynonna responds, “I think we both know, I’m yours.” At this point, it certainly appears that Waverly is the more ‘powerful’ of the sisters in that she’s still a half angel and has whatever supernatural powers that come with that while Wynonna showed up with very non-supernatural prison shives and beaver blasters to fight zombies.  And yet… I still really feel like Wynonna is the big sister not just in years but in experience and maturity and street smarts. And maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I do think that Waverly, Athena love her, still has some growing up to do. So, I DO think it will be interesting to see if they continue this role reversal for the season (with Waverly being ‘the special one’) and how Waverly handles it.

Docstache – I don’t know if it is a role reversal because shit is fuckered up in that garden. I mean Waverly herself is like “Whoa, why did I say that,” immediately after saying “destiny...birthright.” Based on the fact that they change back to S3E1 Doc & Waverly clothes, I’m going with things aren’t quite what they seem in that garden. But to play along with the question, I don’t think there will be a complete role reversal. I mean Wynonna IS Wynonna. Waverly is all destiny/birthright, but who is the one needing to be rescued? Supernatural or not, Wynonna cares a fuck ton for Waverly and will do whatever she can for her babygirl.

Kayla – In a recent rewatch, I noticed that in episode 1.03 Doc says “Because if anybody is gonna clear the Earp name and pull this place out of misery… it sure as hell ain’t gonna be the heir’s pitiful little sister.” BUT IT IS THOUGH!! I think that Wynonna is going to experience some serious growing pains this season. With her sister being (HOPEFULLY) newly engaged, losing her Slayer-esque special powers, and no more peacemaker, she needs to find who she is under these new circumstances. But one thing remains – our whiskey loving, quippy, snarky, kickass Wynonna is back and arguably better than ever.


6.  What roll do you think Nicole will play in the garden and why do you think she’s naked, and do you think she’ll spend all of episode 2 wearing Doc’s trench coat?

Lynn – Here again, I must reiterate that I am very rarely right when it comes to figuring things out. I honestly do not think the naked Nicole that shows up in the garden is our Nicole. First, she is calling out, “Hello, anyone, hello”, when Doc hears her. Not “Doc, Waverly, where are you?” When Doc sees her, she just says, “Hi.”? She has her hair braded like in Season 1. Plus, her facial recognition when Doc calls her by name is nil? There was good and evil in the Garden of Eden. Waverly is waffling back and forth about where she belongs. She was just remembering Nicole by the campfire. Maybe the Garden is trying to persuade her to stay by having Nicole appear and making it seem like they can stay there together? Maybe the Serpent is tempting Waverly with Nicole? Maybe the real Nicole will find the other door into the Garden and break the hold it has on Waverly? One thing for sure, let us hope the trench coat keeps whomever this Nicole is very warm! Good Lord, so many maybes! This question makes my head hurt!

Lindsey – I think Garden!Nicole isn’t really OUR Nicole.  I think she is some sort of regressed version of the Nicole we know. An apparition of the Nicole we know, fleshed out just enough to make Waverly think it’s her.  In the preview Waverly asks “is it really you?” and her response is “who else would I (it) be?”  Yeah, that just doesn’t sit right with me.  That isn’t a Nicole answer.  Just look at her blank stare when Doc calls her Sheriff Haught.  It seems to me that she has no idea who he is or what he is talking about.  If she were really herself don’t you think she would have been calling for Waverly or Doc as soon as her bare feet hit the garden floor?  I do think that this Nicole has some link to regular Nicole and that regular Nicole is experiencing some sort of AU craziness.  I also think that at some point next week they will sync up and it will be OUR Nicole for a brief time. Just long enough to break our WayHaught hearts (see my answer to Q8 below).  Ultimately, I think physically our Nicole is on the floor at the bottom of wherever that grate she fell through goes.  Injured and unconscious.  As to her purpose, I think that she is a manifestation of the garden. It is manipulating Waverly’s relationship with Nicole to somehow get her to stay.  To sit on the throne. 
As for the naked, I don’t think she even realizes she is at first.  Maybe it’s some sort of Eve situation where she doesn’t realize her nakedness until she eats from the tree of knowledge (or some manifestation of it) or until our Nicole fights through the link and takes control.  And at that point she will end up wearing Doc’s coat.  Again, about 35 mins into episode 2.  Until then she will be covered by those cherry tree blossoms. Two Nicole’s, one episode.  Our Nicole fighting to get out of a “cage.” And Garden!Nicole trying to manipulate Waverly into staying in the garden by being her Eve. Should be fun and not heart wrenching at all. 

Jody – As someone who isn’t religious, I found myself having a lot of conversations with people about biblical stories this week. I think Nicole is naked because she is representing the traditional story of Adam in the garden, or maybe she is supposed to be the tree of life? Or tethered to some evil tree (yes, I believe some trees are evil! See my comments below question 8). By the way, apparently these are all normal sentences to write when discussing Wynonna Earp. There are so many theories about this (and so much research being done) that it blows my mind a bit. I guess I think she is there to tempt Waverly, although I am not sure if she is there to tempt the new Waverly or the old Waverly. As for the coat, it’s nice and warm and all, but I prefer Nicole in the blue sheriff’s shirt with tie please ;)

Earpnado – I can only assume (and am most likely wrong) that she’s some sort of representation of temptation or trick to test Waverly in some way.  But I also spent my whole life thinking gardens were green and warm and full of plants and the writers were like lol here’s some snow and concrete and a hissing skin meatball on a chain.  Either way, if its using Naked Nicole as temptation, the garden has my Gentle Perv stamp of approval. And I guess it’s OK if she wears Doc’s trench coat throughout ep 2.  Now that Doc’s a daddy too maybe they can share clothes more often.

Office – I have no idea what role Nicole will play. I really don’t. BUT, I will say this: the crazy guy in the Escape Room said that the … whatever it is down there … needs to be fed. It needs to be fed with blood. With fresh blood. With fresh human blood. As far as we know, Nicole is now the only human in the Garden. Waverly isn’t human (she’s half angel). Doc isn’t human (he’s at least part vampire). So, I do see the possibility of setting something up where Waverly must choose between ‘her destiny’ which would require pleasing the beast in the Garden with fresh human blood (aka Nicole) or choosing Nicole. I’m pretty sure what she would choose given that choice, but…

Now, let us talk about nekkidness.
  • So, I think that the biblical references cannot be ignored at this point, but I also don’t think for a moment that Emily will feel compelled to be constrained by those references or the stories we’ve been told/taught. Nevertheless, this is The Garden. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve never felt shame about being naked until they ate the apple. So, Nicole’s nekkidness could be representative of a lack of shame before some sort of ‘fall’ or some sort of ‘sin’.
  • Also, being naked is frequently referred to as ‘our birthday suit’ since that’s our condition when we are born. So maybe her nudity is representative of a birth/rebirth.
  • On the third hand, in The Terminator movies, no one could go through time wearing any clothing. So maybe she’s a terminator sent to this new time to hunt down John Connor.
  • Lastly, maybe this is a shout out to when Dolls saw her naked in Whiskey Lullaby and poor Nicole is now doomed to be naked in at least one episode each season from now until eternity. 

We may never know.

Docstache – Nicole is the apple temptation and Waverly will be faced with having to resist tasting those sweet juices. I have no freaking clue, I just wanted to put that visual in all the wayhaught fans’ minds. You’re welcome. Oh and no, i think the coat will be her initial nakey cover-up, but then will create a modest, yet hint of sexy flower arrangement over all her lady bits. The amount of sexy that would be the equivalent to say, a few unbuttoned buttons if you will.

Kayla – I’ve spent more time reading the book of Genesis this week than I have in my entire life – and I still have NO IDEA what could be going on. We know that Nicole has a mini-arch in the storyline coming up, and I think the writers have something special for us up their sleeves. Waverly and Doc are not completely human, which was made clear in the episode, however assuming the BBD scientist weird guy was human, why wasn’t he as blissfully nude as Nicole? Why didn’t he have flowers coming out of his ass (literally)? Is the Nicole in the garden even the real Nicole, knowing what we know about alternate universes? All of this to say – I DON’T KNOW! But if a naked Nicole somehow represents Waverly’s temptation in the garden… I think we’re in for an interesting episode 2.


7.  What the what is up with Nedley getting bit by the mini monsters and can we all agree that choosing to fight 100 of anything is a terrible idea? 

Lynn – I think Nedley getting bit was a way to send Wynonna out on her own. No “Nedley crutch” for her to lean on. A way for her to discover that she, too, is her own weapon! Yes, I totally agree that fighting 100 of anything is so very wrong! 

Lindsey – Come on now, can we just leave Nedley alone?!  The poor man has been shot six times, SIX!  He doesn’t need to be jabbed by some sort of deranged garden crab. Although that does leave him in a position to stay in Purgatory and maybe become Neckerchief!Nedley once again!!  Nedley has a part to play in New Purgatory, I can just feel it.  My hope is that at some point he will brandish his Hawaiian shirt and shotgun and say “get off my lawn” to some random monster!  And yes, if there are more than 5 duck sized monsters maybe get the hell out of dodge!

Jody – Poor Nedley! [insert crabs joke here]. But seriously, nothing else better happen to Nedley, because that would be unacceptable (I don’t care if it’s good storytelling).

Earpnado – Nedley getting crabs in S4 was surprisingly not on my bingo card.  As a proud horse sized ducker since day one, I feel that we can finally put this argument to rest though.  Plus its just Nedley’s luck that the only person left in Purgatory to take care of him is Mercedes.  Somehow Haught, Kate, Jeremy – the badass fighters/geniuses – were taken from Purgatory but Mercedes managed to outsmart whoever it is that took everyone else and stay behind.  I don’t know if even demon rodeos and chili cookoff debacles and mongoose bites could prepare him for being nursed by Mercedes.  I said what I said.

Office – I am in denial that anything is wrong with Nedley. I’m not thinking about how that one little bite might spread and he might become a zombie. Nope, I’m not thinking about that AT ALL. I’m not thinking about the fact that he carried a pitchfork at the beginning which is traditionally carried by small town citizens hunting down monsters and how him having a pitchfork maybe foreshadowing of him being a monster and being hunted down. I’m not thinking about how this amazeballs dad who survived the Chili Cookout Debacle of ’05, The ‘Nobody Asked for This’ Production of The Full Monty, and has a Winged Maxipad angel atop his Christmas tree (probably) is in any danger.  Nope, not thinking about any of that at all.  Oh, and yes, no one should ever choose to fight 100 duck sized horses ever again.

Docstache – I think the Baby Yodas heard what Greg was saying about them on twitter and called in a few favors.

Kayla – I don’t want to see what Nedley’s bite would look like had he fought one horse-sized crab! I still want to know where those little crabbies came from – there is nothing in the garden, so how could they have gotten out? Are they some sort of protection for the stairs (which, by the way, why the hell do they keep appearing and disappearing THEY ARE ARCHITECTURE)? I think something serious needed to happen to Nedley for Wynonna to embark on her journey to Monument alone, but if there’s one thing experienced Earpers know, it’s that everything comes together eventually. I’m interested to check back in with Nedley and Mercedes next week!


8. What question didn't we ask that we should have and what is your answer to that question?

Lynn – A couple clothes questions stick out for me. 1. How did Nicole have a jacket on in the train car when clearly, she did not have one on in the kitchen? Plus, she acted as if she was shocked by it on a couple of circumstances? 2. Why are Doc and Waverly in different clothes now than at the end of 3x12 when they entered the garden? Plus, why do these clothes look like the ones they wore in the Jolene episode? Sorry, no answers.  Just more questions to ponder that make my head hurt!

Lindsey – Do you think that Waverly gets out of the Garden next week?
No, I don’t.  I actually think that Waverly chooses to stay in the garden at the end of episode 2.  I think that toward the end of the episode she has a moment with Real!Nicole, a reunion of sorts, but only to say goodbye (for now).  And the consequences of that decision will be that they are separated for a span of time (long enough for Nicole’s hair to grow out).  I think that episode 3 will be dealing with the fallout of that decision back in Purgatory.  For both Nicole, whose girlfriend chose to be separated from her, and Wynonna, who will at that point have failed to rescue her sister.  I think there is going to be an EPIC fight between Wynonna, Doc, and Waverly.  And it will HURT! I think S4 is going to have two “big bads,” and in a way one of them is going to be End of Episode 3 Waverly.  Wynonna is perhaps going to have to fight her own family member, again.  Will it all work out eventually? Yeah, I think by the end of E4 we will have reached some sort of resolution, but the pain train is coming and we had best be ready.  I think we are going to see sides of Nicole and Wynonna that we haven’t seen before.  What do you do when the one person you love most in this world chooses to be separated from you?  God, I hope I’m embarrassingly wrong….about ALL of it. 

Jody – Who is the big baddie this season? See answer above. Note, my answer will change week to week :)  What the hell did Doc pull out of the well?
It looked like a disgusting tree root. There were branches sticking out of it!!! Is it Bulshar? Outside of my nightmares and my personal opinion that there are good and evil trees/plants in this world (have you ever seen Poltergeist, or the Happening, or Children of the Corn?), are there any evil trees in biblical lore? Because that may tell us something...

Earpnado – IDK what the question is, but the answer is daddy.  Or fang nabbit. Or roof-beer.  Or float like a butterface, swing like a three…some.  Or any of the other 24834738 jokes/one-liners that they managed to shove into ONE EPISODE.  I’ve re-watched like 7 times and still catch a new one every time.  I was ready (no I wasn’t) for this episode to come out swinging and be absolutely bonkers, but I don’t think I was ready for “Doc 61’ing Weird Guy while Waverly gently milked his blood from his self-decapitated headless body in a concrete garden” bonkers.  In fact, this episode was so bonkers that after two years of waiting for Valdez and a Peacemaker sword, I haven’t mentioned them once yet.  So I guess I’ve answered your question about as well as the writers answered all of ours in episode one *wink, finger guns, drink*.

Office – Only about a billion!!  Like, when Doc asks why Wynonna keeps referring to Nicole as ‘daddy’, who is going to explain it to him?  And, okay, so, um, zombies. How about that!?!? And does the fact that Monument is 169 miles from Purgatory have any significance or are we just reading too much in to things?!?!

But the question I’m going to go with is “Where are Jeremy and Robin?” Yes, where ARE Jeremy and Robin? We see that some paramilitary peeps came into the Homestead and took Nicole (and threw her on a train? At least that’s what we’re led to believe for now) and presumably took Jeremy and Robin, too, and also threw them somewhere.  I… have no idea where. But, I'm super suspicious of everyone not named Wynonna, Nedley, Waverly, or Doc right now.  The rest of them just seem... well, no one can vouch for them other than BBD and I'm not feeling like I should trust BBD right now.

Docstache – Docstache, we have been asked by Emily to ask you if you would be Doc’s new love interest who we will learn is his soulmate in every way. Do you accept?
I am all in. like flynn. but flynn better not be in because this is just about Doc and me. I’ll roll into Purgatory like “Yo Wynonna, to quote Ludacris, ‘move bitch, get out the way.’ Docstache is here and ready to worship the ever-living daylights out of doc holliday, his stache, and those locks, so take your relationship issues elsewhere while Doc and I go sit in our rocking chairs on our porch, smoke a joint while drinking some sun tea, as Doc plucks away on his guitar, and live happily ever after.”

Kayla – I would like a space to scream about various aspects of each episode. For example,


That's it for this week!  Thanks for reading!

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